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Chris Sorrentino, a.k.a CombatCounselor, is a leader and expert in cognitive behavioral therapy. He combines 30 years of experience in psychology with the discipline from having served as a U.S. Air Force officer for 20 years, 4 of those in combat zones, retiring as a lieutenant colonel in 2005.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Timely Reply from Managing Editor, Air Force Times

From: Becky Iannotta
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 9:26 AM
Subject: Letter to Air Force Times

Mr. Sorrentino,

Please allow me to introduce myself. I have been the editor at Air Force Times for about six months, yet I do not recall ever seeing a letter from you in my current role or in my previous position as news editor of Air Force Times. Your letter on accidents and redeploying troops makes it sound as if you have written on multiple occasions. I apologize if you have sent letters that went ignored.

I would like to publish your letter as it relates to the "thrill seeking behavior" and lack of qualified mental health providers, and your response to the suicide story. The letter will be edited for space and style, as is our policy.

Thank you for writing and for reading Air Force Times.

Becky Iannotta
Managing Editor
Air Force Times

and my reply...

Ms. Ianotta,

Thank you for responding and for acknowledging the importance of these issues by publishing my letter. 

I have written on several occasions to Dr. Bret Moore (Kevlar for the Mind – psychotherapy related issues such as these), Ask the Lawyer (regarding being discriminated and retaliated against – as a male/disabled veteran – by the University of Missouri-Kansas City, a case that the US Department of Education is investigating and has found “cause” for mediation), as well as a few to where I sent these emails.

I would finally like to point out in Dr. Moore’s May 7th follow-up piece on the “stigma” of mental health in the military.  I believe he missed a tremendous opportunity to fix some things that have been broken in the DoD and VA for a long time and even hurt the cause by “recommending” that military members go the “chaplains” if they want 100% confidentiality.  Of course, chaplains provide wonderful services and there is a time, a place, and a person best suited for that experience. But the problem is that these wonderful people are not (normally) qualified to properly treat our military with PTSD and other mental health issues.  These young men and women (military and veterans) are committing suicide in record numbers, or are not seeking the treatment they so desperately need, because THEY ARE AFRAID TO SEEK TREATMENT because it WILL ruin their career and/or they WILL lose their security clearance.  That stigma and paranoia carries over into the VA system where they see the same bureaucracy and lack of a sense of urgency in helping them as they saw in the military.  I have seen it first hand in my role as a licensed clinician on military installations and experienced it myself upon return from a year in the desert (Aug 01 – Aug 02).  Even as a mental health provider myself, I would not and did not seek treatment UNTIL I knew I was retiring and could not be hurt by “the system”.

In any event, it is nice to have you on board as editor and am glad that you took the time to read my concerns and publish them.

Best wishes,


Chris Sorrentino
Chris Sorrentino, LtCol, USAF (Ret)

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