Are you as sick and tired of self-centered people as I am?
Learn why they act that my explanation below and WATCH THE NEW
CombatCounselor Q&A
Episode 7: Values
Sundays at 11AM (CST) ... or thereabouts..
In this episode of CombatCounselor Q&A, Chris discusses "values" or the lack thereof in society, American and around the world, today. Individuals, institutions, and nation states are in disarray, and Chris believes it is because of a lack of or alienation from CORE VALUES. They either never had any values to begin with or have lost their way somehow.
Chris goes on to describe how to define values as well as how you can define your own values and goals. Without values and goals, people and institutions tend to act based on emotion, and that is not a smart way to act in a world where we depend on one another to survive.
Body-Mind-Behavior Therapy helps people and groups learn to focus on the present moment, StayPresent; develop resilience skills in order to be able to act more effectively when challenged by crisis, BeResilient; and how to define and commit to acting in accordance with those does not get much simpler than that!
People who lack clear values have only one way to ACT when confronted with a crisis or novel situation...EMOTIONALLY...SELFISHLY because that is the way we, humans, are programmed. Think about it, life, since the beginning of time, has been about self-preservation, survival, so can we blame them?
Yes and no. We cannot blame them because, MOST OF THE TIME, it is a reaction, not a well thought out act or action. On The other hand, we can blame them for either not defining or not understanding their values and how their behavior impacts others. Believe it it not, it is a choice in many more ways than one.
Here is the link to this video:
C.T. Sorrentino, LtCol, USAF (Ret)
aka CombatCounselor
Learn why they act that my explanation below and WATCH THE NEW
CombatCounselor Q&A
Episode 7: Values
Sundays at 11AM (CST) ... or thereabouts..
In this episode of CombatCounselor Q&A, Chris discusses "values" or the lack thereof in society, American and around the world, today. Individuals, institutions, and nation states are in disarray, and Chris believes it is because of a lack of or alienation from CORE VALUES. They either never had any values to begin with or have lost their way somehow.
Chris goes on to describe how to define values as well as how you can define your own values and goals. Without values and goals, people and institutions tend to act based on emotion, and that is not a smart way to act in a world where we depend on one another to survive.
Body-Mind-Behavior Therapy helps people and groups learn to focus on the present moment, StayPresent; develop resilience skills in order to be able to act more effectively when challenged by crisis, BeResilient; and how to define and commit to acting in accordance with those does not get much simpler than that!
People who lack clear values have only one way to ACT when confronted with a crisis or novel situation...EMOTIONALLY...SELFISHLY because that is the way we, humans, are programmed. Think about it, life, since the beginning of time, has been about self-preservation, survival, so can we blame them?
Yes and no. We cannot blame them because, MOST OF THE TIME, it is a reaction, not a well thought out act or action. On The other hand, we can blame them for either not defining or not understanding their values and how their behavior impacts others. Believe it it not, it is a choice in many more ways than one.
Here is the link to this video:
C.T. Sorrentino, LtCol, USAF (Ret)
aka CombatCounselor
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