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Welcome to CombatCounselor Chronicle, an E-zine dedicated to giving you the most current, pertinent information on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness-based CBT available.

Chris Sorrentino, a.k.a CombatCounselor, is a leader and expert in cognitive behavioral therapy. He combines 30 years of experience in psychology with the discipline from having served as a U.S. Air Force officer for 20 years, 4 of those in combat zones, retiring as a lieutenant colonel in 2005.

The Leader in Military and Veteran Psychology ... Follow Me to Mental Health!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Post in Response to Dr. Wayne Dyer's Facebook Status Update - November 5th, 2012

Dear Wayne,

You either do not read the comments to your posts or do not care enough to acknowledge those who take the time to do so. I am not apple polisher like many of those kissing your hind end, hoping to gain some sort of a sense of importance or belongingness to the Dyer "in" group.

We met at Mary Hoyt's retirement party early last decade, having a wonderful, intelligent conversation on the rear deck. You seemed to be kind and sincere when you told me to "keep in touch", which I tried to do, even stopping by your protests of Planned Parenthood on Colorado Avenue in Colorado Springs where you acted as if you had never seen me before. I have even written, commenting on your work and asking you to "say hello to Mary", whom I lost contact with after moving to Kansas City in 2008.

In any event, you continue to inspire me and others with your words, but your actions conflict with the words that spew so effortlessly from your mind. I am also a writer, clinician, and philosopher of sorts with several thousand followers on Twitter, a popular blog, and YouTube channel with a respectable 37,000+ visits over the past year...not viral by any stretch, but fairly popular nonetheless.

I could use a mentor to help me become a better person and author, but have found over the years that people only mentor others when there is something in it for them. As you know, humans are naturally selfish if they have no clear ideals, values to guide them. I am not saying that you are selfish or anything of the sort. I am just pointing out that you have become separated from your flock, your followers, your fans, and that is a sad. It makes your words much less powerful or inspirational.

My values are clear - selflessness...loyalty...integrity...compassion...excellence...dignity...respect - and I act in accordance with them as often as possible. When I tell someone something, like "keep in touch", I mean it and happily respond if they chose to reach out in the future. I just wanted to share my experience, emotions, feelings with you as professionally and honestly as possible. That is just the way I am.

You will not hear from me again, I have more important things and people to spend my time on. I wish you the best in life and your future.

StayPresent; BeResilient; StayTheCourse

C.T. Sorrentino
aka CombatCounselor

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