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Welcome to CombatCounselor Chronicle, an E-zine dedicated to giving you the most current, pertinent information on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness-based CBT available.

Chris Sorrentino, a.k.a CombatCounselor, is a leader and expert in cognitive behavioral therapy. He combines 30 years of experience in psychology with the discipline from having served as a U.S. Air Force officer for 20 years, 4 of those in combat zones, retiring as a lieutenant colonel in 2005.

The Leader in Military and Veteran Psychology ... Follow Me to Mental Health!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

#BringBoweHome ... Seeking the Release of Sgt Bowe Bergdahl (USA)


Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl was captured on June 30th, 2009 while on patrol near the town of Yahya Khel in the Paktika Province in Southeast Afghanistan and near the border with Pakistan.

Bowe recently received national media attention after this video was exposed:

For more background on his capture and efforts for his release, read more here:

This young man has been in captivity for nearly 5 years, but have you heard much, if anything, about him? Probably not. Why is our government and the media covering this up and what are they doing to ensure his safe release or recovery?

You and your family members are home, safe, and secure, but Sgt Bowe Bergdahl's family has been worrying about their son, brother, and grandson for nearly five years ... PLEASE SIGN THIS WHITE HOUSE PETITION, endorsed by Bowe's father Bob on Twitter:

Let's help #BringBoweHome soon and safely!

Key Words: sgt, Bowe, Bergdahl, bob, US, Army, Afghanistan, patrol, capture, captured, captivity, Taliban, Pakistan, Navy, SEALS, CombatCounselor, combat, counselor

Copyright 2013 - CombatCounselor and 3rd Wave Media Group, LLC - All Rights Resreved

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Letter to Joe Biden: Attack on Military Retiree COLAs and DisabledVet-Owned Business

January 15, 2014

Dear Vice-President Biden,

I am a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel, 80% disabled Veteran, and service-disabled veteran-owned small business owner. I am tired of this administration's anti-Veteran/military agenda and lack of concern and response to whistleblower retaliation against me by the Department of Interior.

The fact that military retiree COLAs were targeted for 1% per year reduction until age 62 is wrong! Your retirement, the retirements of Congress, and the retirement of DoD civilians like Sharon Hallinan, the Department of Interior contracting officer who retaliated against me and ruined my business, we're not targeted, but those of us who defended our country for 20+ years were?

Why are the millions of dollars being wasted by Government agencies and contractors each year not targeted BEFORE the pensions of the brave men and women who dedicated their lives to our Nation's freedom?

I was targeted for whistleblower retaliation by the Department of Interior after reporting gross fraud, waste, and abuse in the Military Family Life Consultant (MFLC) program in the tens of millions of dollars annually. I complained to the Department of Interior Contracting Officer, Interior Business Center, in January of last year and two days later my $50K MFLC contract was cancelled. Not only did I lose much needed income, she fabricated lies, defaming my character and ruining the reputation of my business, leading to my business being ruined and the loss of our home and half of our possessions.

I filed complaints with the DoI and DoD IGs, but was ignored. My Congressman, Sam Graves, and Senators Blunt and McCaskill blew me off as did your boss President Obama. 

How is it that military retires are the FIRST ONES TARGETED when it comes time to reduce spending? Why are government agencies and contractors allowed to defraud our Government and taxpayers, wasting hundreds of millions of dollars each year with impunity? How can a Government agency get away with illegally canceling a contract and ruining a service-disabled veteran-owned small business? I will continue to pursue this until those responsible are held accountable and am contacting you because I believe you are one of the few in Washington with the INTEGRITY and persistence to take action. I hope I am right Mr. Vice-President.

God bless you, your family, and our United States of America!

Chris Sorrentino,  LtCol, USAF (Ret)

Submitted via the White House app and website at 4:30 pm (CST) on 1/15/2014

PostScript: Representative Paul Ryan (R - WI) and Senator Patty Murray (D - WA) initiated the bill in Congress and IN ALL LIKELIHOOD NEVER SERVED A DAY IN UNIFORM. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that both Rep. Ryan and Senator Murray NOT BE RE-ELECTED OR ELECTED TO A HIGHER OFFICE due to their contempt for our military and Veterans and the cowardly act of reducing retiree entitlements BEFORE addressing far bigger problems such as the GROSS FRAUD and WASTE endemic in government and government contracting.

These cowards in Congress, the White House, and Pentagon whom break promises made to our military and Veterans insist that these changes "enhance readiness" WHEN IN- FACT READINESS WILL BE NEGATIVELY IMPACTED LONG-TERM! Potential recruits will choose not to serve in the military due to the broken and empty promises made to those who patriotically served before them ONLY TO HAVE EARNED BENEFITS AND ENTITLEMENTS  REDUCED OR REVOKED. 

Our military men and women have sacrificed life, limb, and family through over 12 years of combat only TO BE THE FIRST GROUP TARGETED when it comes time to reduce spending. "Thank you for your service"? ... You cannot be serious.

Key Words: resolution,Graves,retiree,McCaskill,disabled,joe,Biden,INTEGRITY,government,veteran,COLA,abuse,Congress,interior,Vice-president,Blunt,contractor,waste,budget,fraud

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Are You Really Cutting Military Retiree COLAs?

Congress recently voted to cut the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for military retirees by 1% per year in order to help balance the budget. That's right ... military retirees, those of us who risked life and limb to PROTECT YOUR FREEDOM for 20+ years are THE FIRST ONES CONGRESS GOES AFTER WHEN CUTS ARE NEEDED! They do not eliminate the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS WASTED ANNUALLY BY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND CONTRACTORS ... No, they ignore the gross fraud, waste, and abuse happening each and every day and go after military retirees!

Here is the letter I sent to my congresswoman and senator:

Chris Sorrentino LtCol 
Lawrence, KS

January 4, 2014 

Congresswoman Jenkins: 

I'm writing to ask you to repeal a provision (Sec. 403) within the Bipartisan Budget Act (H. J. Res 59) that significantly cuts retirement benefits for current and future military retirees. Section 403 cuts the annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for uniformed service retirees by 1 percentage point each year until age 62. 

The cuts will have a devastating and long-lasting impact. By age 62 retirees who serve a 20 year career would lose nearly 20 percent of their retirement pay purchasing power. 

I support a long-term budget deal, but this agreement places a disproportionate burden on the backs of the men and women who have already sacrificed so much for our nation. No other group was asked to take such a cut. 

Many members of Congress have stated they would take this up immediately upon their return in January. Help lead this charge - take action to repeal this provision that breaks faith with current and future military retirees, and threatens long term readiness and retention in the uniformed services. 


Chris Sorrentino, LtCol, USAF (Ret) 

Here is the response I received from my congresswoman on 1/9/2014:

Dear Mr. LtCol:

     Thank you for contacting me regarding veterans benefits. As your representative in Washington, I value your thoughts and concerns.

     The Second District is home to some of the best and brightest in the Armed Forces. From Fort Leavenworth to Forbes Field, and the over 7,500 National Guard Members and over 4,000 members of the Reserve, Eastern Kansans are proud of its strong military presence. This means we also have a proud, distinguished population of veterans, and I am committed to making sure these veterans are honored and receive the benefits they have rightly earned.

     I am proud of legislation I have authored and supported for veterans. In July, I authored an amendment to H.R. 2610, the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2014 to ensure the Department of Housing and Urban Development - Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program serves homeless veterans in the best way possible. I am an original cosponsor of the Expedited Hiring for VA Trained Psychiatrists Act, which would create a fast-track, hiring process for psychiatrists who train at Veterans Affairs facilities. The legislation aims to reduce the wait times for veterans seeking to access mental health services by reducing the time it takes to fill these critical positions.

     Recently, I voted in favor of H.J.Res.59, the Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014, for several reasons. First, it prevents another disastrous government shutdown, which the VFW and other veterans organizations warned would be catastrophic for veterans who rely on their benefits. The budget deal also provided the Department of Defense (DoD) $32 billion in sequester relief, another issue the VFW called on Congress to address.  According to the legislation, no military retiree over the age of 62 will be effected in any way. However, working-age military retirees will see their annual cost-of-living adjustment reduced by 1 percent starting in January 2016. This affects those who are still of working age, and who likely have another paycheck. However, when they reach 62, their retired pay will revert back to the full rate of inflation, and they have full inflation protection going forward.

     To be clear, while I would have preferred this particular provision not be included in the legislation, I believe it is the best of the likely options before us; this agreement, another shutdown or continue with sequestration, which mandated an additional $20 Billion cut to the DoD next year, likely resulting significant furloughs.  Our nation’s massive deficit requires that we make concessions and work with the President and the Democrat-controlled Senate to bridge an agreement and avoid another government shutdown. While far from ideal, I believe that is what this budget agreement does.

     Thank you again for contacting me. Please never hesitate to call, email, or write if you have any issues or concerns on your mind. Also feel free to visit my website at where you can see what I have been up to and sign up for my weekly newsletter.
          I hope you have a blessed Holiday Season and a Merry Christmas.


Lynn Jenkins, CPA
Member of Congress

Privacy Statement

Congresswoman Jenkins appreciates the opportunity to communicate with you via e-mail.

Here is my response sent to Congresswoman Jenkins 1/9/2014:

Dear Congresswoman Jenkins,

You voted in favor of H.J.Res.59, the Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014, for the following reasons: First, it prevents another disastrous government shutdown, which the VFW and other veterans organizations warned would be catastrophic for veterans who rely on their benefits. The budget deal also provided the Department of Defense (DoD) $32 billion in sequester relief, another issue the VFW called on Congress to address. According to the legislation, no military retiree over the age of 62 will be effected in any way. However, working-age military retirees will see their annual cost-of-living adjustment reduced by 1 percent starting in January 2016. This affects those who are still of working age, and who likely have another paycheck. However, when they reach 62, their retired pay will revert back to the full rate of inflation, and they have full inflation protection going forward.

You are grossly ignorant if you believe cutting retiree benefits is the FIRST way we should balance the budget. I have personally witnessed gross fraud, waste, and abuse in government spending and contracting in the BILLION$ ANNUALLY ma'am.

When I reported the gross fraud, waste, and abuse last January, my $50,000 government contract was illegally cancelled two days later and my business was ruined by the government employee who I reported to when she made false allegations against me and my service-disabled veteran-owned small business. My business was ruined, we lost our home, and were forced to sell half of our possessions because I tried to save the government BILLION$.

I am 57 years-old and don't have an income other than my pension and VA disability, and you think that's OK? You believe that those who served their country for 20 years and risked life and limb for YOUR FREEDOM MADAM should be the first ones to have our COLA's garnished, reducing our lifetime benefits by tens of thousands of dollars? Seriously? MAYBE YOUR COLA AND THE COLA OF THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR CONTRACTING OFFICER (SHARON HALLINAN) WHO RETALIATED AGAINST ME SHOULD BE REDUCED BEFORE MINE?

You are living in a glass house madam, are completely ignorant if you believe that garbage in the letter you sent me, and I will do everything in my power to ensure you are not re-elected because there are far too many ignorant people already in Washington DC! Sincerely, Chris Sorrentino, LtCol, USAF (Ret)


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